Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동 Postcode (South Korea)

Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동 Postcode: 302-161, 302-730, 302-819, 302-820, 302-821 (Number of Postcodes: 5 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동 Postcode location: 36.318, 127.378. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (5):
>> Daejeon/대전, 302-161 Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동, Seo-gu/서구, GPS coordinates: 36.32009,127.37734
>> Daejeon/대전, 302-730 Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동, Seo-gu/서구, Hyoseongtaunapateu/효성타운아파트, GPS coordinates: 36.31597,127.38113
>> Daejeon/대전, 302-819 Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동, Seo-gu/서구, 1-98/1-98, GPS coordinates: 36.31852,127.37809
>> Daejeon/대전, 302-820 Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동, Seo-gu/서구, 134-144/134-144, GPS coordinates: 36.31497,127.38211
>> Daejeon/대전, 302-821 Doma 1(il)-dong/도마1동, Seo-gu/서구, 177-182/177-182, GPS coordinates: 36.31863,127.37338