Average GPS coordinates for Gwangcheon-dong/광천동 Postcode location: 35.165, 126.881. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Gwangcheon-dong/광천동 on map:
Listing cities & postcodes (6):
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-210 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, GPS coordinates: 35.16603,126.88157
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-712 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, Sinsegyebaekhwajeom/신세계백화점, GPS coordinates: 35.16592,126.88146
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-764 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, Yuseukweeo gwangcheonteomineor/유스퀘어(광천터미널), GPS coordinates: 35.16602,126.88156
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-800 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, 1-98/1-98, GPS coordinates: 35.16223,126.88225
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-801 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, 99-577/99-577, GPS coordinates: 35.16568,126.88146
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-802 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, 578-788/578-788, GPS coordinates: 35.16568,126.87956
Listing cities & postcodes (6):
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-210 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, GPS coordinates: 35.16603,126.88157
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-712 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, Sinsegyebaekhwajeom/신세계백화점, GPS coordinates: 35.16592,126.88146
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-764 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, Yuseukweeo gwangcheonteomineor/유스퀘어(광천터미널), GPS coordinates: 35.16602,126.88156
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-800 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, 1-98/1-98, GPS coordinates: 35.16223,126.88225
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-801 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, 99-577/99-577, GPS coordinates: 35.16568,126.88146
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-802 Gwangcheon-dong/광천동, Seo-gu/서구, 578-788/578-788, GPS coordinates: 35.16568,126.87956