Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동 Postcode (South Korea)

Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동 Postcode: 501-082, 501-750, 501-751, 501-800, 501-800, 501-800, 501-801, 501-802 (Number of Postcodes: 8 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동 Postcode location: 35.256, 127.159. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (8):
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-082 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, GPS coordinates: 35.22632,129.16212
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-750 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, Dusanwibeuapateu 101-113/두산위브아파트 101-113, GPS coordinates: 35.15858,126.91965
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-751 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, Geumhoapateu/금호아파트, GPS coordinates: 35.1585,126.91957
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-800 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, 1-69/1-69, GPS coordinates: 35.15845,126.91952
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-800 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, 191-253/191-253, GPS coordinates: 35.15848,126.91955
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-800 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, 531-545/531-545, GPS coordinates: 35.15845,126.91952
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-801 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, 70-90/70-90, GPS coordinates: 37.55481,127.02552
>> Gwangju/광주, 501-802 Gyerim 2(i)-dong/계림2동, Dong-gu/동구, 91-169/91-169, GPS coordinates: 33.47764,126.48416