Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동 Postcode (South Korea)

Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동 Postcode: 502-242, 502-704, 502-761, 502-840, 502-841, 502-841, 502-842, 502-846, 502-846 (Number of Postcodes: 9 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동 Postcode location: 35.451, 127.318. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (9):
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-242 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, GPS coordinates: 37.62586,127.08662
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-704 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, Gwangjugwangyeoksigyoyukcheong/광주광역시교육청, GPS coordinates: 35.15629,126.87768
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-761 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, Jugongapateu/주공아파트, GPS coordinates: 35.15636,126.87775
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-840 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, 501-640/501-640, GPS coordinates: 35.15636,126.87775
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-841 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, 641-738/641-738, GPS coordinates: 35.15633,126.87772
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-841 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, 751-774/751-774, GPS coordinates: 35.15632,126.87771
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-842 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, 1020-1193/1020-1193, GPS coordinates: 35.38078,126.43248
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-846 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, 1194-1605/1194-1605, GPS coordinates: 35.13602,128.9772
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-846 Hwajeong 2(i)-dong/화정2동, Seo-gu/서구, 933-1019/933-1019, GPS coordinates: 35.13603,128.97721