Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동 Postcode (South Korea)

Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동 Postcode: 500-112, 500-748, 500-760, 500-781, 500-782, 500-787, 500-788, 500-819, 500-819, 500-820, 500-823, 500-824, 500-885 (Number of Postcodes: 13 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동 Postcode location: 35.135, 127.054. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (13):
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-112 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, GPS coordinates: 35.63078,129.33346
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-748 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, Useongapateu 101-107/우성아파트 101-107, GPS coordinates: 35.17875,126.92663
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-760 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, Jungheungapateu 301-303/중흥아파트 301-303, GPS coordinates: 35.1788,126.92668
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-781 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, Usanjugong 1 chaapateu 201-213/우산주공1차아파트 201-213, GPS coordinates: 35.17872,126.9266
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-782 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, Usanjugong 2 chaapateu 101-108/우산주공2차아파트 101-108, GPS coordinates: 35.17883,126.92671
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-787 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, Jungheungapateu 201-205/중흥아파트 201-205, GPS coordinates: 35.17877,126.92665
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-788 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, Sangrogapateu/상록아파트, GPS coordinates: 35.17882,126.9267
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-819 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, 700-749/700-749, GPS coordinates: 34.81043,126.70243
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-819 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, 938-946/938-946, GPS coordinates: 34.81033,126.70233
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-820 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, 750-799/750-799, GPS coordinates: 34.89294,126.62774
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-823 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, 1000-1010/1000-1010, GPS coordinates: 35.17879,126.92667
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-824 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, 1011-1014/1011-1014, GPS coordinates: 35.1787,126.92658
>> Gwangju/광주, 500-885 Munheung 2(i)-dong/문흥2동, Buk-gu/북구, 919-937/919-937, GPS coordinates: 35.17875,126.92663