Yuchon-dong/유촌동 Postcode (South Korea)

Yuchon-dong/유촌동 Postcode: 502-280, 502-700, 502-719, 502-756, 502-756, 502-756, 502-861, 502-862, 502-863 (Number of Postcodes: 9 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Yuchon-dong/유촌동 Postcode location: 35.166, 126.855. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Yuchon-dong/유촌동 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (9):
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-280 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, GPS coordinates: 35.16599,126.85465
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-700 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, Jeonnamchesincheong/전남체신청, GPS coordinates: 35.16604,126.8547
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-719 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, Gwangjujeonnamjibangtonggyecheong/광주전남지방통계청, GPS coordinates: 35.16593,126.85459
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-756 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, Beodeuljugong 1 danjiapateu 101-112/버들주공1단지아파트 101-112, GPS coordinates: 35.16592,126.85458
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-756 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, Beodeuljugong 2 danjiapateu 201-212/버들주공2단지아파트 201-212, GPS coordinates: 35.16596,126.85462
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-756 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, Hobanrijensibirapateu/호반리젠시빌아파트, GPS coordinates: 35.16598,126.85464
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-861 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, 1-820/1-820, GPS coordinates: 35.16586,126.85127
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-862 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, 821-865/821-865, GPS coordinates: 35.1639,126.85201
>> Gwangju/광주, 502-863 Yuchon-dong/유촌동, Seo-gu/서구, 866-1000/866-1000, GPS coordinates: 35.16446,126.86138