Anseong-myeon/안성면 Postcode (South Korea)

Anseong-myeon/안성면 Postcode: 568-840, 568-841, 568-841, 568-841, 568-842, 568-842, 568-842, 568-843, 568-843, 568-843, 568-844, 568-844, 568-844, 568-845 (Number of Postcodes: 14 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Anseong-myeon/안성면 Postcode location: 35.854, 127.664. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Anseong-myeon/안성면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (14):
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-840 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, GPS coordinates: 35.83762,127.65992
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-841 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Gongjeongri/공정리, GPS coordinates: 35.84741,127.69715
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-841 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Janggiri 1-399/장기리 1-399, GPS coordinates: 35.84748,127.69722
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-841 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Jukcheonri 1-1050/죽천리 1-1050, GPS coordinates: 35.84746,127.6972
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-842 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Gongjinri/공진리, GPS coordinates: 35.82398,127.63338
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-842 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Janggiri 400-999/장기리 400-999, GPS coordinates: 35.82389,127.63329
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-842 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Jukcheonri 1051-2010/죽천리 1051-2010, GPS coordinates: 35.82396,127.63336
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-843 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Deoksanri/금평리, GPS coordinates: 35.87552,127.69714
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-843 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Geumpyeongri/덕산리, GPS coordinates: 35.87561,127.69723
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-843 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Sajeonri 1-399/사전리 1-399, GPS coordinates: 35.87555,127.69717
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-844 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Janggiri 1700-2000/사전리 400-1399, GPS coordinates: 35.87078,127.63328
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-844 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Jindori/장기리 1700-2000, GPS coordinates: 35.87089,127.63339
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-844 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Sajeonri 400-1399/진도리, GPS coordinates: 35.87085,127.63335
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 568-845 Anseong-myeon/안성면, Muju-gun/무주군, Janggiri 1000-1699/장기리 1000-1699, GPS coordinates: 35.86246,127.65192