Deokchi-myeon/덕치면 Postcode (South Korea)

Deokchi-myeon/덕치면 Postcode: 566-870, 566-871, 566-871, 566-871, 566-871, 566-871, 566-872, 566-872, 566-872, 566-872 (Number of Postcodes: 10 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Deokchi-myeon/덕치면 Postcode location: 35.498, 127.181. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Deokchi-myeon/덕치면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (10):
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-870 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, GPS coordinates: 35.49379,127.17938
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-871 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Cheondamri/가곡리, GPS coordinates: 35.50221,127.19545
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-871 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Dujiri/구담리, GPS coordinates: 35.50233,127.19557
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-871 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Gagokri/두지리, GPS coordinates: 35.50229,127.19553
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-871 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Gudamri/사곡리, GPS coordinates: 35.50233,127.19557
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-871 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Sagokri/천담리, GPS coordinates: 35.50226,127.1955
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-872 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Hoemunri/물우리, GPS coordinates: 35.4949,127.16338
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-872 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Iljungri/일중리, GPS coordinates: 35.49483,127.16331
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-872 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Jangamri/장암리, GPS coordinates: 35.49492,127.1634
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 566-872 Deokchi-myeon/덕치면, Imsil-gun/임실군, Mururi/회문리, GPS coordinates: 35.49494,127.16342