Ma-dong/마동 Postcode (South Korea)

Ma-dong/마동 Postcode: 570-110, 570-740, 570-741, 570-742, 570-752, 570-962, 570-963, 570-964 (Number of Postcodes: 8 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Ma-dong/마동 Postcode location: 35.94, 126.966. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Ma-dong/마동 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (8):
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-110 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, GPS coordinates: 35.94017,126.96748
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-740 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, Ijiseuwiteubaelliapateu 101-105/이지스위트밸리아파트 101-105, GPS coordinates: 35.94019,126.9675
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-741 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, Siyeongapateu/시영아파트, GPS coordinates: 35.94028,126.96759
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-742 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, Jugong 1 chaapateu 1-16/주공1차아파트 1-16, GPS coordinates: 35.94025,126.96756
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-752 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, Jeonbukdaehakgyoiksankaempeoseu/전북대학교익산캠퍼스, GPS coordinates: 35.94024,126.96755
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-962 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, 1-190/1-190, GPS coordinates: 35.94133,126.96623
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-963 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, 191-329/191-329, GPS coordinates: 35.94002,126.96282
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 570-964 Ma-dong/마동, Iksan-si/익산시, 330-400/330-400, GPS coordinates: 35.93853,126.96479