Seongnae-myeon/성내면 Postcode (South Korea)

Seongnae-myeon/성내면 Postcode: 585-810, 585-811, 585-811, 585-811, 585-811, 585-811, 585-812, 585-812, 585-812, 585-812, 585-813, 585-813, 585-813, 585-813 (Number of Postcodes: 14 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Seongnae-myeon/성내면 Postcode location: 35.534, 126.741. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Seongnae-myeon/성내면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (14):
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-810 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, GPS coordinates: 35.53321,126.74966
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-811 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Daeheungri/대흥리, GPS coordinates: 35.52467,126.73347
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-811 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Dongsanri/동산리, GPS coordinates: 35.52466,126.73346
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-811 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Okjeri/신대리, GPS coordinates: 35.52463,126.73343
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-811 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Sindaeri/옥제리, GPS coordinates: 35.52467,126.73347
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-811 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Wolsanri/월산리, GPS coordinates: 35.52461,126.73341
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-812 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Budeokri/덕산리, GPS coordinates: 35.55307,126.73342
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-812 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Deoksanri/부덕리, GPS coordinates: 35.55307,126.73342
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-812 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Jodongri/신성리, GPS coordinates: 35.55313,126.73348
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-812 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Sinseongri/조동리, GPS coordinates: 35.55309,126.73344
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-813 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Sanrimri/산림리, GPS coordinates: 35.52649,126.75497
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-813 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Wolseongri/양계리, GPS coordinates: 35.52653,126.75501
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-813 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Yanggyeri/용교리, GPS coordinates: 35.52647,126.75495
>> Jeollabuk-do/전북, 585-813 Seongnae-myeon/성내면, Gochang-gun/고창군, Yonggyori/월성리, GPS coordinates: 35.52647,126.75495