Daeseo-myeon/대서면 Postcode (South Korea)

Daeseo-myeon/대서면 Postcode: 548-860, 548-861, 548-861, 548-862, 548-862, 548-862, 548-863, 548-863 (Number of Postcodes: 8 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Daeseo-myeon/대서면 Postcode location: 34.761, 127.286. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Daeseo-myeon/대서면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (8):
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-860 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, GPS coordinates: 34.75333,127.28652
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-861 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Geummari/금마리, GPS coordinates: 34.77713,127.25974
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-861 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Namjeongri/남정리, GPS coordinates: 34.77712,127.25973
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-862 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Sangnamri/상남리, GPS coordinates: 34.7581,127.31328
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-862 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Songgangri/송강리, GPS coordinates: 34.7581,127.31328
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-862 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Songrimri/송림리, GPS coordinates: 34.75807,127.31325
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-863 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Annamri/안남리, GPS coordinates: 34.75428,127.27046
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-863 Daeseo-myeon/대서면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Hwasanri/화산리, GPS coordinates: 34.75434,127.27052