Ganjeon-myeon/간전면 Postcode (South Korea)

Ganjeon-myeon/간전면 Postcode: 542-870, 542-871, 542-871, 542-872, 542-872, 542-872, 542-872, 542-873, 542-873, 542-873 (Number of Postcodes: 10 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Ganjeon-myeon/간전면 Postcode location: 35.161, 127.568. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Ganjeon-myeon/간전면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (10):
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-870 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, GPS coordinates: 35.14725,127.56417
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-871 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Ganmunri/간문리, GPS coordinates: 35.17283,127.55884
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-871 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Heungdaeri/흥대리, GPS coordinates: 35.17283,127.55884
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-872 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Geumsanri/금산리, GPS coordinates: 35.13882,127.54815
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-872 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Hyogokri/삼산리, GPS coordinates: 35.13886,127.54819
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-872 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Samsanri/수평리, GPS coordinates: 35.13881,127.54814
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-872 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Supyeongri/효곡리, GPS coordinates: 35.13878,127.54811
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-873 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Jungdaeri/양천리, GPS coordinates: 35.18564,127.60134
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-873 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Uncheonri/운천리, GPS coordinates: 35.18571,127.60141
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 542-873 Ganjeon-myeon/간전면, Gurye-gun/구례군, Yangcheonri/중대리, GPS coordinates: 35.18565,127.60135