Gwayeok-myeon/과역면 Postcode (South Korea)

Gwayeok-myeon/과역면 Postcode: 548-830, 548-831, 548-832, 548-832, 548-832, 548-833, 548-833, 548-834, 548-834, 548-834 (Number of Postcodes: 10 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Gwayeok-myeon/과역면 Postcode location: 34.69, 127.388. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Gwayeok-myeon/과역면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (10):
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-830 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, GPS coordinates: 34.69604,127.39335
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-831 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Gwayeokri/과역리, GPS coordinates: 34.67947,127.35334
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-832 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Docheonri/노일리, GPS coordinates: 34.69903,127.34535
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-832 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Noilli/도천리, GPS coordinates: 34.69903,127.34535
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-832 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Seokbongri/석봉리, GPS coordinates: 34.69905,127.34537
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-833 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Baegilli/백일리, GPS coordinates: 34.69983,127.43611
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-833 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Yeondeungri/연등리, GPS coordinates: 34.69989,127.43617
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-834 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Baegilli wonjudo/백일리 원주도, GPS coordinates: 34.6761,127.40945
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-834 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Hodeokri/신곡리, GPS coordinates: 34.67607,127.40942
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 548-834 Gwayeok-myeon/과역면, Goheung-gun/고흥군, Singokri/호덕리, GPS coordinates: 34.67609,127.40944