Seoho-myeon/서호면 Postcode (South Korea)

Seoho-myeon/서호면 Postcode: 526-860, 526-861, 526-861, 526-861, 526-861, 526-861, 526-861, 526-862, 526-862, 526-862, 526-862 (Number of Postcodes: 11 items). Click on postcode number to get more information. For other postcodes in South Korea click here.

Average GPS coordinates for Seoho-myeon/서호면 Postcode location: 34.762, 126.587. (Notice: some coordinates are "GEO located" from street addresses. These numbers may be inaccurate. With this map you can check the coordinates.). Seoho-myeon/서호면 on map:

Listing cities & postcodes (11):
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-860 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, GPS coordinates: 34.77395,126.57703
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-861 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Eomgilli/금강리, GPS coordinates: 34.77386,126.57694
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-861 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Geumgangri/성재리, GPS coordinates: 34.77386,126.57694
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-861 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Seongjaeri/소산리, GPS coordinates: 34.77398,126.57706
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-861 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Sosanri/쌍풍리, GPS coordinates: 34.7739,126.57698
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-861 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Ssangpungri/엄길리, GPS coordinates: 34.77389,126.57697
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-861 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Taebaekri/태백리, GPS coordinates: 34.77385,126.57693
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-862 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Cheongryongri/몽해리, GPS coordinates: 34.74063,126.60404
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-862 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Hwasongri/장천리, GPS coordinates: 34.74058,126.60399
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-862 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Jangcheonri/청룡리, GPS coordinates: 34.74062,126.60403
>> Jeollanam-do/전남, 526-862 Seoho-myeon/서호면, Yeongam-gun/영암군, Monghaeri/화송리, GPS coordinates: 34.74051,126.60392